Grumpy Developer's Prompt

The prompt

Hello there fellow entity. A short presentation is in order.

In my professional life I’m a mobile developer, tech lead and am currently managing a fine team of wonderful people at Bank Millennium where we build the best mobile banking application in Poland.

I also contribute (with a couple of friends) to a dev-blog that we’re trying to get off the ground called SwiftAndSour.

As for my hobbies - I like to build stuff. The weirder the better. Not everything I build works and I tend to learn more from failures than from any success I’ve achieved. Some of the stuff I build is… already built but… there is a strange joy in doing something from scratch… Well.. almost from scratch.

Dabbled why whole life in gamedev, including a basis for my own 2D game engine (that I will never finish).

You can find me on BlueSky under the name Ἀστερίων, where I rarely post anything.

💖 C | 💖 C++ | 💖 Swift | 💖 ObjC | 💖 MacOS

Mostly written in English (badly). Some entries will be Polish. Most will be about MacOS/iOS 💟. Some will be general rants. You have been warned.